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What is Radon?

Have no idea what radon is? You're not alone!

Most of the clients we talk to here in the Atlanta area have never heard of radon, or if they have heard of it, they really don't have any idea what it is. However, just because you have never heard of radon, that doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't worry about it. What is Radon? Radon is an invisible, cancer-causing, radioactive gas that comes up from the ground. High concentrations are often found in areas where there is a lot of granite or shale.

Why is Radon a Problem?

The EPA and the Surgeon General have both issued health warnings about radon, citing the large number of lung cancer incidents attributed to high radon levels.

How Can You Tell if a House Has Radon? Most houses have some radon in them, the key is finding out if the levels are elevated. In the event of a real estate transaction 48-hour test can be conducted to measure the radon potential within the home.

What if High Levels of Radon are Found? If elevated levels of radon are found within a home a mitigation system can installed. Mitigation systems are typically very effective in reducing the radon to normal levels.

How Does it Cost to Test for Radon? We offer radon tests using some of the most advanced monitors in the industry with results that are analyzed at a lab here in Atlanta. The cost typically ranges from $150-$200.

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